Different Ways to Win a Bidding War (2024)

Table of Contents

  • Bidding wars explained
  • Strategies for winning a bidding war
  • Offer the most dollars
  • Avoid government loans and increase your down payment
  • Use cash
  • Waive contingencies
  • Throw in an escalation clause
  • Increase your earnest money deposit and waive any refund
  • Compose a letter
  • Accommodate the seller
  • When is engaging in a bidding war worth it versus not worth it?
  • What happens if you lose a bidding war

When two or more buyers compete for the same home for sale, a bidding war can erupt, resulting in multiple offers. Winning a bidding war can be difficult unless you are ready to raise your price, make concessions and compromises as a buyer, and act quickly.

Learn what’s involved in a bidding war, the best tactics for emerging victorious in a bidding war, what happens if your bid loses, when it’s worthwhile to participate in a bidding war, and when it’s best to walk away.

Bidding wars explained

A bidding war occurs when two or more prospective purchasers submit competing offers for the same listed property at the same time.

“This can occur when a home is underpriced or when there is very limited inventory for home buyers,” notes Robert Taylor, owner of The Real Estate Solutions Guy. “They often happen in first-time home buyer neighborhoods, such as areas like Sacramento where inventory is low and almost any home that is in fair condition and within a certain price range will have multiple offers.”

A bidding war typically involves multiple rounds of bidding, with the home usually selling for more than its asking price. Bidding wars don’t only involve paying more; often, a buyer will agree to waive certain contingencies, pay with cash, and make other compromises to impress a seller and outdo a rival for the same home.

“Typically, a bidding war deadline will be set and all interested parties will have until that time to submit their highest and best offer,” says Adie Kriegstein, a licensed real estate salesperson in New York City. “Once this occurs, the seller and their agent will examine all the bids and usually decide on a single buyer party to move forward with.”

Bidding wars aren’t as common today as in recent years, but they occur a lot more often than you might think. According to Redfin’s most recent data, the bidding war rate was 44.6% in August, based on home offers written by Redfin agents that faced competition on a seasonally adjusted basis that month.

That represents the lowest bidding-war rate since the start of the pandemic and a decrease from 63.5% one year earlier, marking the seventh consecutive monthly decline. The typical residence in a bidding war garnered 3.2 offers in August versus 3.5 offers in July and 5 offers a year earlier.

Strategies for winning a bidding war

If you are determined to own a particular home, especially in a competitive market, be prepared to fight hard for that property and participate, if necessary, in a bidding war. Here are several top or recommended ways to win.

Offer the most dollars

“Making the highest offer is not a guarantee that you will win a bidding war, but it’s definitely a prerequisite,” says Martin Orefice, CEO of Rent To Own Labs. “Unless a buyer can offer something highly valuable, like agreeing to close on short notice with an all-cash offer, sellers will almost always choose the highest bid and make distinctions between those bids based on things like waived contingencies and other factors.”

Indeed, you stand the best chance of vanquishing your competitors if you pledge the most cash. You can do this in increments, such as first offering $5,000 above the list price and then seeing if another buyer tops that, in which case you can escalate your bid amount.

But you can also avoid further escalation entirely by making a generous first offer well above the asking price.

Avoid government loans and increase your down payment

Sellers are often less inclined to choose a buyer preapproved for government-backed financing like an FHA loan, USDA loan, or VA loan. Many of these loans require zero to 3.5% down and are at greater risk of not closing or taking longer to close than conventional loans that often require 20% down.

The more money you put down, the less risky of a prospect you appear.

Use cash

Better yet, avoid financing altogether and pay in cash if you can afford it. That means the transaction can close much more quickly without anyone having to worry about loan approval.

“Cash is always the best offer. It eliminates appraisal and bank contingencies and means you can shorten your inspection and escrow to allow for a faster closing,” suggests Taylor.

“If you lack the full funds, consider asking a family member or friend to lend the remainder of the money you need and protect them with a deed of trust or a mortgage to your home so that they’re safeguarded if you have financial trouble. Have your cash readily available in your local bank account to speed up the process.”

Waive contingencies

Want to really wow that seller? Consider waiving the appraisal contingency.

If you believe the home is not likely to appraise for its list price value, and you can afford to pay the difference between the appraised price and the purchase price, waving this contingency can make your offer strongly stand out.

Another way to incentivize the seller to say yes is to waive a professional home inspection contingency. That can relieve a lot of pressure on a seller who may worry about defects that could be uncovered.

“You want to make your deal as clean and easy as possible so that there’s no hesitation by the seller. Imagine the seller gets two identical price offers. If your offer includes the best terms with no contingencies, for example, they’re more likely to choose you,” says Nancy Alperin, president/CEO of Maxwell Realty Company.

However, Bruce Ailion, a real estate attorney and Realtor, doesn’t recommend waiving a professional home inspection, as you will have no recourse if you later discover flaws or defects, which could result in significant buyer remorse.

“I would instead prefer that you have the home inspected before making your offer. Yes, you could lose money if you conduct an inspection and ultimately lose out on the home, but it’s better than getting stuck with the house that requires a $10,000 repair you didn’t know about,” Ailion cautions.

Throw in an escalation clause

An escalation clause involves terms written in your purchase offer that increase your offer price automatically in the event someone offers more than you.

“Let’s say your escalation clause states that the purchase price will be $1,000 more than the highest verifiable written offer received by the seller up to a maximum of $500,000, for example,” explains Taylor.

“In this case, if you were to write an offer for $450,000 and were competing against offers of $470,000, your escalation clause would automatically increase your offer to $471,000 without any back-and-forth between you and the seller. Here, while you may be willing to pay more, you are not blindly paying $500,000 for the home.”

Increase your earnest money deposit and waive any refund

“Cash offers with a significant deposit will always garner the attention of a seller’s agent. Your earnest money deposit tells the agent you are serious about the home. You can sweeten your offer if you make your earnest money deposit non-refundable in the event you cancel,” recommends Taylor.

Compose a letter

Attempt to appeal to the seller on a personal level by writing a well-composed letter that, for example, states why you love their home and any unique circ*mstances motivating you to purchase.

“Submitting a letter is a simple way to give your offer a little bit of tie-breaking power,” Orefice continues.

“If the seller chooses between two very similar offers, their decision may boil down to which buyer is more appealing to them on a personal level. That’s where an offer letter can make a big difference, and it won’t cost you anything compared to other bidding war strategies.”

Accommodate the seller

Try to make things as easy for the seller as possible to sway their decision. For instance, shorten the timeline to closing; let the seller know that you are willing to close quickly, such as within two to three weeks instead of longer.

“Also, if you learn that the seller prefers a delayed closing, it would be in your interest to consider mentioning this in your offer letter,” suggests Kriegstein.

Additionally, offer a leaseback option in case the seller needs more time to move out.

“A seller may have a lot of stuff and nowhere to go. Offering them a longer possession of the property after closing can present a great value,” Ailion says. “Remember that understanding what motivates the seller is the key to success.”

When is engaging in a bidding war worth it versus not worth it?

Participating in a bidding war may be worth it if you have fallen in love with a home and it checks off the most boxes on your list.

“In a market with tight inventory, bidding wars often become the norm, so embrace them and figure out a strategy with your agent to ensure that you win, if you are determined to land that house,” advises Kriegstein.

Orefice agrees.

“If there is some daylight between the asking price and your budget ceiling and you really love the house you are considering,” he says, “a bidding war is a good way to get a home you are happy with and get on with your life.”

But it’s crucial to set a price ceiling long before you end up in a bidding war.

“Ultimately, you can only afford a mortgage that’s so big and you can only swing so much of a down payment. If a bidding war is going to push you beyond these limits, it’s time to step away,” recommends Orefice.

It’s best to back out of a bidding war if you don’t stand a financial chance or if you aren’t prepared or comfortable to do what’s needed to obtain the property.

“If you are questioning at all whether the home is worth it, I would advise not moving ahead because you want to be sure it is what you absolutely desire,” Kriegstein adds.

What happens if you lose a bidding war

If another buyer ultimately succeeds in claiming that home, don’t sweat it. Learn from the experience and move on, the experts agree.

“Sometimes, buyers have to lose out a few times in a bidding war to fully understand the process and trust their agent. It’s unfortunate, but it often occurs,” says Kriegstein.

Ailion seconds that sentiment.

“Remember that it’s only a house. It’s never a good idea to feel you must have this particular house and only this house, which is a recipe for paying too much and regretting it later,” he adds.

Taylor’s advice? Don’t get too emotionally attached too early or you’ll pay too much.

“If you make several offers but don’t get your dream home, you can get very discouraged. Your emotions can cause you to ignore important factors and repairs that you might have later regretted,” he says.

“Be careful about just loving a house that you are willing to do anything to buy. In the meantime, understand that you might have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince.”

Different Ways to Win a Bidding War (2024)


How do you win bid wars? ›

How To Win A Bidding War
  1. Have Your Preapproval Letter In Hand. If you qualify, you can get a mortgage preapproval before you start shopping for a home. ...
  2. Make The Highest Offer. ...
  3. Offer An All-Cash Deal. ...
  4. Drop The Contingencies. ...
  5. Skip The Inspection. ...
  6. Be Available. ...
  7. Make A Backup Offer.

How do you encourage a bidding war? ›

8 steps to starting a bidding war
  1. Get an awesome agent. ...
  2. Make pre-listing home repairs and improvements. ...
  3. Immaculately stage and photograph your property. ...
  4. Intentionally list your home at a price 5k to 10k lower than its value. ...
  5. Implement a proactive marketing plan. ...
  6. Be available for all listing requests. ...
  7. Set a deadline for offers.

What is the best and final bid strategy? ›

Initiated by the seller of a property, all remaining parties must submit one last offer that is often not to be negotiated further. Sellers initiate best and final offer processes to expedite the selling process and drive bidding wars, but the process may scare away potential buyers.

How to increase the chance of getting a house? ›

Take quiz: Find which mortgage is right for you.
  1. Keep debt low. One important metric lenders look for when you apply for a mortgage is your debt-to-income ratio (DTI). ...
  2. Build and maintain a good credit score. ...
  3. Save for a larger down payment. ...
  4. Get pre-approved. ...
  5. Increase your odds with a step-by-step plan.
Mar 19, 2024

What is bid tactics? ›

A bid strategy determines the way you bid in paid advertising platforms for your ads to show up in available spaces. For instance, if you want Google to place your ads in SERPs (search engine results pages), you must bid in Google Ads. Google can also place your ads in blog pieces, news, or any other kind of webpage.

What makes a winning bid? ›

Create added value in your bid writing

When bid writing, you need to be able to demonstrate what you will bring to the customer. This is vital in winning the bid as it shows that you can deliver the desired solution. Creating added value is showcasing your businesses strengths such as: Expertise and qualifications.

How do you win a bid proposal? ›

How to Win a Tender: What Makes a Winning Bid?
  1. Research Your Buyer. Understand who you are bidding for. ...
  2. Create a Bid Strategy. ...
  3. Incorporate Key Components. ...
  4. Craft a Compelling Professional Proposal. ...
  5. Sell the Value of Partnerships. ...
  6. Manage Your Bid Efficiently.
Jan 12, 2024

How to beat a contingent offer? ›

  1. Get pre-approved for your mortgage loan. ...
  2. Limit or eliminate seller concession requests. ...
  3. Don't ask for the seller's stuff. ...
  4. Work with a top real estate agent. ...
  5. Offer above the home's asking price. ...
  6. Put down a larger earnest money deposit. ...
  7. Make a bigger loan program down payment. ...
  8. Waive the appraisal contingency.
Feb 16, 2024

How to not get outbid on a house? ›

Tips for Winning a Bidding War
  1. Get Preapproved for a Mortgage. ...
  2. Identify the Seller's Wants. ...
  3. Offer an Earnest Money Deposit. ...
  4. Consider an All-Cash Offer. ...
  5. Write a Clean Offer. ...
  6. Consider an Escalation Clause. ...
  7. Offer an Appraisal Gap Guarantee. ...
  8. Write the Seller a Personal Letter.
Sep 7, 2023

What are three smart bidding strategies? ›

Smart Bidding refers to bid strategies that use Google AI to optimize for conversions or conversion value in each and every auction—a feature known as “auction-time bidding". Target CPA, Target ROAS, Maximize conversions, and Maximize conversion value are all Smart Bidding strategies.

What is the lowest unique bid auction strategy? ›

Make multiple bids to outrun other bidders. This is one of the essential strategies in the lowest bid auction. Keep a track of the status of your bids –Being the bidder, you should strictly keep a track of the bid status so that the lowest unique bid can belong to you.

How to win a live auction? ›

Underbidding initially and then making an aggressive offer later can increase your chances of winning. Keep an eye on items that were just listed and have not yet received bids; this presents an opportunity to be an early bidder and set the tone for the auction.

How to convince a seller to accept your offer? ›

Steps to Write an Offer
  1. Make sure the price is right. ...
  2. Show proof of pre-qualification. ...
  3. Offer more earnest money. ...
  4. Waive certain contingencies. ...
  5. Include an escalation clause. ...
  6. Limit your asks for extras. ...
  7. Be agreeable to the seller's needs. ...
  8. Be polite.

Can you offer 20k less on a house? ›

“The rule I've always followed is to never go more than 25% below the listed price,” he says. “Chances are, after fees, commission, and sentimental value, the sellers are already hurting. If you dip below that point, they may disregard your offer entirely.”

What is considered a strong offer on a house? ›

There's no reliable formula here. Typically, a low-ball offer is at least 15% to 20% lower than the asking price: offering $240,000 on a home valued at $300,000, for example. But sometimes a seller may be asking too much. If you can back up your offer with market data, you're making a serious offer.

How does a bidding war work? ›

A bidding war is a real estate term that describes a situation where multiple buyers make offers on the same property. The seller has to decide which offer to accept. If the offers are similar, the seller may ask prospective buyers to increase their offers to outbid each other.

How to win a bidding war on eBay? ›

eBay bidding tips

You stand a greater chance of getting the item by placing your highest bid in the closing seconds. If an auction listing has a reserve price, bid up to that amount as early as possible, so other bidders aren't attracted by the low starting price. Try bidding an uneven amount.

How do you beat bid sniping? ›

If you set $5,000 as your maximum bid, but are only hoping to pay $300, and then someone comes and bids $4,900, eBay will automatically bid $5,000 for you. If you win the bid, you are legally obligated to pay that amount. So, only set the maximum bid to what you're really willing to pay for the item.

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